
Welcome to ASU-AUST-USTC(AAU) online Theoretical Physics Colloquium

Welcome to the information page for the AAU Online Theoretical Physics Colloquium, organized and hosted by Professors Igor Shovkovy, Qun Wang,  Xinyang Wang and other group members.

The presentations will be conducted live via Zoom (room number provided below). This colloquium aims to showcase high-quality interactive presentations on the latest advances in theoretical physics, featuring contributions from active researchers across various fields. We especially encourage young researchers with notable recent publications to present, and we also host special events featuring esteemed senior researchers.

The colloquium sessions will typically take place on Wednesdays at 9:00 AM Beijing Time (UTC+8) for speakers in Asian and American time zones, and at 9:00 PM Beijing Time (UTC+8) for speakers from Europe.

This event is supported by the Center for Fundamental Physics at Anhui University of Science & Technology.

Zoom Link:


Zoom number: 208 298 7603

Password: 627231

The host will open the online meeting room 15 minutes prior to the start of the session.

Organizer and Host

Prof. Igor Shovkovy (Co-Chair)   

Arizona State University
Prof. Qun Wang (Co-Chair) University of Science & Technology of China/Anhui University of  Science & Technology
Prof. Xinyang Wang(Chair) Anhui University of Science & Technology
Prof. Shi Pu   University of Science & Technology of China
Prof. Yang Li University of Science & Technology of China
Prof. Mamiya Kawaguchi Anhui University of Science & Technology
Prof. Qing Chen Anhui University of Science & Technology
Prof. Ming-hua Wei Anhui University of Science & Technology

Contact Information [email protected]

If you want to get an email notification before each colloquium, please register on 


Colloquium Lists

2024.12.18    Transverse spin effects and light quark dipole moments at colliders

                    Prof. Bin Yan    IHEP, Beijing

                    VR@BiliBili         Slide

2024.12.04 Laying an effective field theory foundation for precision beta decay

               Dr. Ryan Plestid     California Institute of Technology


2024.11.21    Some interpretation of the trace anomaly in dense neutron star matter

      Prof. Kenji Fukushima    The University of Tokyo

       VR@BiliBili Slide


2024.10.31 Lambda polarization in heavy ion collisions: theory and simulations

     Dr.Andrea Palermo, Stony Brook University

        VR@BiliBili Slide  Dr.Andrea Palermo


2024.9.18    Dilepton production and anisotropy in a rotating or magnetized QGP

                Dr. Minhua Wei, Fudan University           

2024.8.28    Sign-inversion of magnetovortical charge from gauge invariant thermodynamics
                Prof. Kazuya Mameda, Tokyo University of Science

                VR@BiliBili Slide